Discovery Call - Ridgetop


$50 PREPAY VISA CARD FOR ONE 10 MIN Executive Call:


Click on the “schedule call” button to see availability and book your call today!


BroadAspect is conducting executive to executive Discovery Calls to learn about your satisfaction with your current Internet service. If your incredibly satisfied, that’s great news and it’s our pleasure to pay for your time to find out what they are doing right. If your not Amazingly Happy, then this is your opportunity to have us pay to learn how your current service is falling short, while you learn about the capabilities of BroadAspect’s XG-FOS fiber optic internet service.


BroadAspect’s XG-FOS Fiber Optic Internet service delivers up to 1 Gbps of fiber network capacity while retaining the affordability and reliability that small and medium sized companies want.

    • $99 per month for 1 Gbps service. New customers only**

    • Fiber optic circuit installed to customer’s office. No Copper!

    • XG-FOS service average uptime of 99.98% or better!

    • Public / Static IP address (1) included at no cost

    • Easy access to local support that knows each customer

    • 95% of support requests solved in less than two hours

BroadAspect has been providing high performance INternet services in the Washington Metro area for 20 years.


* Prepaid Visa card promotion is available new prospects or customers only. Company owner or executive responsible for making decision to switch internet services must be on scheduled Discovery Call with a BroadAspect representative and be able to provide information such as name of current internet provider, date when current internet services contract will expire or renew, speed and monthly price of current internet services. One Prepaid Visa card per prospect. ** Pricing is valid for first 12 month service agreement.